path: root/lib/sisu/v2/epub.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sisu/v2/epub.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 678 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v2/epub.rb b/lib/sisu/v2/epub.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f4ab25b..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v2/epub.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,678 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997 - 2010, Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html>
- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/gpl.fsf/toc.html>
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/gpl.fsf/doc.html>
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/gpl.fsf/plain.txt>
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
- <http://www.sisudoc.org>
- * Download:
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html>
- * Ralph Amissah
- <ralph@amissah.com>
- <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>
- ** Description: epub generation, processing
-module SiSU_EPUB
- require 'pstore'
- require "#{SiSU_lib}/particulars" # particulars.rb
- include SiSU_Particulars
- require "#{SiSU_lib}/defaults" # defaults.rb
- include SiSU_Viz
- require "#{SiSU_lib}/xhtml_table" # xhtml_table.rb
- require "#{SiSU_lib}/epub_format" # epub_format.rb
- include SiSU_EPUB_Format
- require "#{SiSU_lib}/epub_segments" # epub_segments.rb
- include SiSU_EPUB_seg
- require "#{SiSU_lib}/epub_tune" # epub_tune.rb
- include SiSU_EPUB_Tune
- require "#{SiSU_lib}/epub_concordance" # epub_concordance.rb
- class Source
- def initialize(opt)
- @opt=opt
- @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::Combined_singleton.instance.get_all(opt)
- end
- def read
- songsheet
- end
- def songsheet
- begin
- @md=@particulars.md
- @fnb=@md.fnb
- @env=@particulars.env
- loc=@env.path.url.output_tell
- unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- tool=if @opt.cmd =~/z/; "#{@env.program.epub_viewer} #{loc}/epub/#{@fnb}.epub"
- elsif @opt.cmd =~/[MVv]/; "#{@env.program.epub_viewer} #{loc}/epub/#{@fnb}.epub"
- else @opt.fns
- end
- @opt.cmd=~/[MVvz]/ \
- ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'EPUB',tool).green_hi_blue \
- : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'EPUB',tool).green_title_hi
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,@opt.fns,"#{loc}/epub/#{@fnb}.epub").flow if @opt.cmd =~/[MV]/
- end
- @env.path.epub_bld #(@md)
- @env.path.epub_cp_images(@md)
- dir_epub=@env.path.epub
- SiSU_Env::Info_skin.new(@md).select
- data=nil
- my_make=SiSU_Env::Create_file.new(@opt.cmd,@opt.fns,@md) #Beware #FIX opt and md, both not necessary
- SiSU_Env::SiSU_file.new(@md).mkdir
- @tuned_file_array=SiSU_EPUB::Source::XHtml_environment.new(@particulars).tuned_file_instructions
- data=@tuned_file_array
- scr_endnotes=SiSU_EPUB::Source::Endnotes.new(@md,data).scroll
- toc=SiSU_EPUB::Source::Toc.new(@md,data).songsheet
- data=@tuned_file_array
- scr_toc=SiSU_EPUB::Source::Scroll_head_and_segtoc.new(@md,toc).in_common #watch
- SiSU_EPUB::Source::Seg.new(@md,data).songsheet
- SiSU_EPUB::Source::Epub_output.new(@md).songsheet
- rescue; SiSU_Errors::Info_error.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).error
- ensure
- unless @opt.cmd =~/[MV]/ #check maintenance flag
- texfiles=Dir["#{@env.path.tune}/#{@opt.fns}*"]
- texfiles.each do |f|
- if FileTest.file?(f)
- File.unlink(f)
- end
- end
- end
- SiSU_Env::Create_file.new(@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).param_instantiate
- @@flag,@@scr,@@seg,@@seg_endnotes,@@seg_subtoc,@@seg_ad={},{},{},{},{},{}
- @@seg_total,@@tracker,@@loop_count,@@tablehead,@@number_of_cols=0,0,0,0,0
- @@seg_name,@@seg_name_html,@@seg_subtoc_array,@@seg_endnotes_array,@@segtocband,@@tablefoot=Array.new(7){[]}
- @@filename_seg,@@seg_url,@@fn,@@to_lev4,@@get_hash_to,@@get_hash_fn='','','','','','',''
- @@is4=@@is3=@@is2=@@is1=@@heading1=@@heading2=@@heading3=@@heading4=0
- end
- end
- private
- class XHtml_environment
- def initialize(particulars)
- @particulars=particulars
- @md,@env=particulars.md,particulars.env
- @vz=SiSU_Env::Get_init.instance.skin
- @env,@css,@symlnk=particulars.env,SiSU_Style::CSS.new,SiSU_Env::Create_system_link.new #home
- end
- def link_images
- @symlnk.images
- end
- def directories
- my_make=SiSU_Env::Create_file.new(@md.cmd,@md.fns)
- @path={ :root=>my_make.html_root }
- title=File.basename(@md.fns,'.rb')
- SiSU_Env::SiSU_file.new(@md).mkdir
- end
- def tuned_file_instructions
- @tell=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.cmd)
- @md.cmd=@md.cmd.gsub(/H/,'h')
- @md.file_type='html' if @md.cmd =~/[hon]/
- directories
- newfilename=%{#{@env.path.output}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@md.fn[:index]}} if @md.file_type =~/html/
- dal_array=@particulars.dal_array # dal file drawn here
- @tuned_file_array=SiSU_EPUB_Tune::Tune.new(dal_array,@md).songsheet
- @tuned_file_array
- end
- end
- class Endnotes
- include SiSU_EPUB_Format
- def initialize(md,data)
- @md,@data=md,data
- end
- def scroll
- @scr_endnotes=[]
- format_head_scroll=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Head_scroll.new(@md)
- @data.each do |dob|
- pg=dob.dup
- unless pg.is =~/^code/
- if pg.obj =~/(?:#{Mx[:en_a_o]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]})[\d*+]+ /
- endnote_array=[]
- if pg.obj=~/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}[\d*+].+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/m
- endnote_array = pg.obj.scan(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}[\d*+]+(.+?)#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/m)
- end
- if pg.obj=~/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}[\d*]+\s.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/m
- endnote_array = pg.obj.scan(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}[\d*]+(.+?)#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/m)
- end
- if pg.obj=~/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}[\d+]+\s.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/m
- endnote_array = pg.obj.scan(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}[\d+]+(.+?)#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/m)
- end
- endnote_array.flatten.each do |note|
- txt_obj={:txt =>note}
- format_scroll=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_scroll.new(@md,txt_obj)
- @scr_endnotes << format_scroll.endnote_body
- end
- end
- end
- end
- @scr_endnotes
- end
- end
- class Toc
- @@toc={ :seg=>[],:seg_mini=>[],:scr=>[],:ncx=>[],:opf=>[] }
- @@seg_url=''
- @@firstseg=nil
- def initialize(md=nil,data='')
- @md,@data=md,data
- @vz=SiSU_Env::Get_init.instance.skin
- @epub=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Head_information.new(@md)
- @tell=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.cmd) if @md
- end
- def songsheet #extracts toc for scroll & seg
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.cmd,'Toc').txt_grey if @md.cmd =~/[MVv]/
- toc=nil
- @@firstseg=nil
- @@toc={ :seg=>[],:seg_mini=>[],:scr=>[],:ncx=>[],:opf=>[] }
- md_opf_a_content,md_opf_a_spine=[],[]
- @nav_no=1
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.open #epub ncx navmap
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.head_open << @epub.toc_ncx.head << @epub.toc_ncx.head_close
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.doc_title << @epub.toc_ncx.doc_author
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.navmap_open
- @@toc[:opf] << @epub.metadata_opf.package_open
- @@toc[:opf] << @epub.metadata_opf.metadata
- @@toc[:opf] << @epub.metadata_opf.manifest_open
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.navmap_sisu_toc(@nav_no) #epub ncx navmap, toc
- @@toc[:seg] << %{<div class="content">\n<div class="substance">}
- @@toc[:scr] << %{<div class="content">\n<div class="substance">}
- md_opf_a_content << @epub.metadata_opf.manifest_content_sisu_toc
- md_opf_a_spine << @epub.metadata_opf.spine_sisu_toc
- @ncxo=[nil,false,false,false,false,false,false]
- @dob_toc2,@dob_toc3=nil,nil
- @ncx_cls=[]
- @data.each do |dob|
- if dob.is=='heading' \
- or dob.is=='heading_insert'
- dob_toc=dob.dup
- toc=case dob_toc.ln
- when 1
- Toc.new(@md,dob_toc).level_1
- when 2
- @nav_no+=1
- @nav_no2=@nav_no
- @ncx_cls << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_close if @ncxo[4]
- @ncx_cls << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_close if @ncxo[3]
- @ncx_cls << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_close if @ncxo[2]
- @ncxo[2],@ncxo[3],@ncxo[4]=false,false,false
- @dob_toc2=dob_toc
- @ncxo[2]=true
- Toc.new(@md,dob_toc).level_2
- when 3
- @nav_no+=1
- @nav_no3=@nav_no
- @ncx_cls << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_close if @ncxo[4]
- @ncx_cls << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_close if @ncxo[3]
- @ncxo[3],@ncxo[4]=false,false
- @dob_toc3=dob_toc
- @ncxo[3]=true
- Toc.new(@md,dob_toc).level_3
- when 4
- @@toc[:ncx] << @ncx_cls if @ncx_cls.length > 0
- @ncx_cls=[]
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_top3(@dob_toc2,@nav_no2,dob_toc.name) if @dob_toc2 #epub ncx navmap
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_top3(@dob_toc3,@nav_no3,dob_toc.name) if @dob_toc3 #epub ncx navmap
- @dob_toc2,@dob_toc3=nil,nil
- @nav_no+=1
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_close if @ncxo[4]
- @ncxo[4]=false
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint(dob_toc,@nav_no) if dob_toc #epub ncx navmap
- @ncxo[4]=true
- md_opf_a_content << @epub.metadata_opf.manifest_content(dob_toc)
- md_opf_a_spine << @epub.metadata_opf.spine(dob_toc)
- Toc.new(@md,dob_toc).level_4
- when 5; Toc.new(@md,dob_toc).level_5
- when 6; Toc.new(@md,dob_toc).level_6
- else nil
- end
- toc.each do |k,d|
- d.gsub!(/(?:#{Mx[:en_a_o]}.+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]}.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]})\s*/m,' ')
- end if toc
- if @@firstseg.nil? \
- and dob.ln==4 \
- and dob.name =~/\S+/
- @@firstseg=dob.name
- end
- if toc
- begin
- @@toc[:seg] << toc[:seg]
- @@toc[:scr] << toc[:seg]
- @@toc[:seg_mini] << toc[:seg_mini] if toc[:seg_mini]
- rescue; SiSU_Errors::Info_error.new($!,$@,@md.cmd,@md.fns).error
- end
- end
- end
- end
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_close if @ncxo[4]
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_close if @ncxo[3]
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.navpoint_close if @ncxo[2]
- @ncxo[1],@ncxo[2],@ncxo[3],@ncxo[4]=false,false,false,false
- md_opf_a_content << @epub.metadata_opf.manifest_images(@md.ec[:image])
- @@toc[:seg] << "</div>\n</div>"
- @@toc[:scr] << "</div>\n</div>"
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.navmap_close
- @@toc[:ncx] << @epub.toc_ncx.close
- @@toc[:opf] << md_opf_a_content << @epub.metadata_opf.manifest_close
- @@toc[:opf] << @epub.metadata_opf.spine_open << md_opf_a_spine << @epub.metadata_opf.spine_close
- @@toc[:opf] << @epub.metadata_opf.package_close
- @@toc[:opf]=@@toc[:opf].flatten
- Epub_output.new(@md,@@toc[:opf]).epub_metadata_opf
- Epub_output.new(@md,@@toc[:ncx]).epub_toc_ncx
- @md.firstseg=@@firstseg
- @@toc
- end
- def minitoc
- minitoc=@@toc[:seg_mini].join("\n")
- '<div class="toc">' + minitoc + '</div>'
- end
- protected
- def level_1
- dob=@data
- linkname,link=dob.obj.strip,dob.ocn
- if link \
- and link !~/#/ #% keep eye on link
- p_num=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Paragraph_number.new(@md,link)
- end
- title=if dob.obj !~/Document Information/; linkname
- else
- link='metadata'
- %{<b><a href="#{@md.fnl[:pre]}#{link}#{@md.fnl[:mid]}#{Sfx[:epub_xhtml]}#{@md.fnl[:post]}">#{linkname}</a></b>}
- end
- toc={}
- txt_obj={:txt =>title}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc[:seg]=if dob.name =~/^meta/ \
- and dob.obj =~/Document Information/ #check
- format_toc.lev0
- else format_toc.lev1
- end
- toc[:seg_mini]=if dob.name =~/^meta/ \
- and dob.obj =~/Document Information/ #check
- x=if @md.concord_make
- format_toc.mini_concord_tail
- else format_toc.mini_tail
- end
- else format_toc.mini_lev1
- end
- title=if dob.ocn ==0
- if dob.name =~/^meta/ \
- and dob.obj =~/Document Information/
- %{<a href="#docinfo">#{linkname}</a>}
- else linkname
- end
- else
- @@toc[:scr] << '<br />'
- link=if dob.ln; dob.ln
- else ''
- end
- %{<b><a href="##{link}">#{linkname}</a></b>}
- end
- txt_obj={:txt =>title}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc[:scr]=if dob.name =~/^meta/ \
- and dob.obj =~/Document Information/
- format_toc.lev0
- else format_toc.lev1
- end
- toc
- end
- def level_2
- dob=@data
- linkname,ocn=dob.obj.strip,dob.ocn
- if ocn \
- and ocn !~/#/
- p_num=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Paragraph_number.new(@md,ocn)
- end
- txt_obj={:txt =>linkname}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc={}
- toc[:seg]=format_toc.lev2
- toc[:seg_mini]=format_toc.mini_lev2
- if p_num
- title=%{#{p_num.goto}#{linkname}</a>}
- txt_obj={:txt =>title}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc[:scr]=format_toc.lev2
- end
- toc
- end
- def level_3
- dob=@data
- linkname,ocn=dob.obj.strip,dob.ocn
- if ocn \
- and ocn !~/#/
- p_num=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Paragraph_number.new(@md,ocn)
- end
- txt_obj={:txt =>linkname}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc={}
- toc[:seg]=format_toc.lev3
- toc[:seg_mini]=format_toc.mini_lev3
- if p_num
- title=%{#{p_num.goto}#{linkname}</a>}
- txt_obj={:txt =>title}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc[:scr]=format_toc.lev3
- end
- toc
- end
- def level_4
- dob=@data
- linkname,ocn=dob.obj.strip,dob.ocn
- p_num=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Paragraph_number.new(@md,ocn) if ocn
- if dob.ln==4
- seg_link=%{ <a href="#{@md.fnl[:pre]}#{dob.name}#{@md.fnl[:mid]}#{Sfx[:epub_xhtml]}#{@md.fnl[:post]}">
- #{dob.obj}
- </a> }
- @@seg_url=dob.name
- elsif dob.obj =~/\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+|\d+.\d+.\d+|\d+.\d+|\d+/
- seg_link=dob.obj.gsub(/^(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+|\d+.\d+.\d+|\d+.\d+|\d+)(.*)/,
- %{<a href="#{@md.fnl[:pre]}\\1#{@md.fnl[:mid]}#{Sfx[:epub_xhtml]}#{@md.fnl[:post]}">} +
- %{\\1 \\2</a> })
- end
- p_num=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Paragraph_number.new(@md,ocn) if ocn
- txt_obj={:txt =>seg_link}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc={}
- toc[:seg]=format_toc.lev4
- toc[:seg_mini]=format_toc.mini_lev4
- title=%{#{p_num.goto}#{linkname}</a>} if p_num
- txt_obj={:txt =>title}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc[:scr]=format_toc.lev4
- toc
- end
- def level_5
- dob=@data
- linkname,ocn=dob.obj.strip,dob.ocn
- toc={}
- if ocn \
- and ocn !~/#/
- p_num=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Paragraph_number.new(@md,ocn)
- lnk_n_txt=%{ <a href="#{@md.fnl[:pre]}#{@@seg_url}#{@md.fnl[:mid]}#{Sfx[:epub_xhtml]}#{@md.fnl[:post]}#o#{ocn}">
- #{linkname}
- </a>}
- txt_obj={:txt =>lnk_n_txt}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc[:seg]=format_toc.lev5
- toc[:seg_mini]=format_toc.mini_lev5
- title=%{#{p_num.goto}#{linkname}</a>}
- txt_obj={:txt =>title}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc[:scr]=format_toc.lev5
- end
- toc
- end
- def level_6
- dob=@data
- linkname,ocn=dob.obj.strip,dob.ocn
- toc={}
- if ocn \
- and ocn !~/#/
- p_num=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Paragraph_number.new(@md,ocn)
- lnk_n_txt=%{ <a href="#{@md.fnl[:pre]}#{@@seg_url}#{@md.fnl[:mid]}#{Sfx[:epub_xhtml]}#{@md.fnl[:post]}#o#{ocn}">
- #{linkname}
- txt_obj={:txt =>lnk_n_txt}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc[:seg]=format_toc.lev6
- toc[:seg_mini]=format_toc.mini_lev6
- title=%{#{p_num.goto}#{linkname}</a>}
- txt_obj={:txt =>title}
- format_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_toc.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc[:scr]=format_toc.lev6
- end
- toc
- end
- def level_crosslink
- dob=@data
- if dob !~/^4~!/
- dob.gsub!(/^4~!\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)/,
- %{<table><tr><td width =\"80\"></td>
- <td><a href="http://\\1">
- #{@png.crosslink_ext}
- &nbsp;&nbsp;\\2
- <\/a>
- </td></tr></table>
- else
- dob.gsub!(/^4~!\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)/,
- %{<table><tr><td width ="80">
- </td><td>
- <a href="\\1">
- #{@png.crosslink}
- &nbsp;&nbsp;\\2
- <\/a>
- </td></tr></table>
- end
- end
- end
- class Scroll_head_and_segtoc < Toc
- def initialize(md='',toc='',links_guide_toc='')
- @md,@toc,@links_guide_toc=md,toc,links_guide_toc
- @vz=SiSU_Env::Get_init.instance.skin
- end
- def in_common
- toc_shared=[]
- segtoc=[]
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.cmd,'Scroll & Segtoc').txt_grey if @md.cmd =~/[MVv]/
- format_head_toc=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Head_toc.new(@md)
- dochead=format_head_toc.head
- dochead.gsub!(/toc\.(html)/,'doc.\1') #kludge
- toc_shared << dochead #<< ads.div.major
- segtoc << format_head_toc.head #<< ads.div.major
- toc_shared << format_head_toc.toc_head_escript if SiSU_EPUB_Format::Head_toc.method_defined? :toc_head_escript
- segtoc << format_head_toc.toc_head_escript if SiSU_EPUB_Format::Head_toc.method_defined? :toc_head_escript
- if defined? @md.rights.all \
- and @md.rights.all
- rights=format_head_toc.rights.all
- rights=SiSU_EPUB_Tune::Clean_xhtml.new(rights).clean
- end
- if defined? @md.notes.prefix_b \
- and @md.notes.prefix_b
- prefix_b=format_head_toc.prefix_b
- prefix_b=SiSU_EPUB_Tune::Clean_xhtml.new(prefix_b).clean
- end
- seg_toc_band=format_head_toc.seg_head_navigation_band
- seg_toc_band_bottom=format_head_toc.seg_head_navigation_band_bottom
- tmp_head=nil
- doc_title_endnote=@md.title.full.gsub(/(\*+)/,'<sup><a href="#endnotes">\1</a></sup>')
- tmp_head=doc_title_endnote + "\n"
- txt_obj={:txt =>tmp_head}
- format_txt_obj=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_text_object.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc_shared << format_txt_obj.center_bold
- segtoc << format_txt_obj.center_bold
- if defined? @md.creator.author \
- and @md.creator.author
- creator_endnote=@md.creator.author.gsub(/(\*+)/,%{&nbsp;<sup><a href="#notes">\\1</a></sup>})
- tmp_head=creator_endnote + "\n"
- txt_obj={:txt =>tmp_head}
- format_txt_obj=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Format_text_object.new(@md,txt_obj)
- toc_shared << format_txt_obj.center_bold
- segtoc << format_txt_obj.center_bold
- end
- segtoc << seg_toc_band
- tmp_head=nil
- if defined? @md.prefix_a \
- and @md.prefix_a
- tmp_head ||= %{#{@md.prefix_a}\n}
- toc_shared << tmp_head.dup
- segtoc << tmp_head.dup
- end
- tmp_head=nil
- toc_shared << @links_guide_toc
- if defined? @md.rights.all \
- and @md.rights.all
- toc_shared << rights
- end
- if defined? @md.prefix_b \
- and @md.prefix_b
- toc_shared << prefix_b
- end
- #Table of Contents added/appended here
- toc_shared << @toc[:scr]
- segtoc << @links_guide_toc
- segtoc << @toc[:seg]
- if defined? @md.rights.all \
- and @md.rights.all
- segtoc << rights
- end
- if defined? @md.prefix_b \
- and @md.prefix_b
- segtoc << prefix_b
- end
- #Segtoc tail added here
- segtoc << seg_toc_band_bottom
- segtoc << format_head_toc.xhtml_close
- segtoc.flatten!.compact!
- Epub_output.new(@md,segtoc).segtoc
- segtoc=[]
- @toc[:scr],@toc[:seg]=[],[]
- toc_shared
- end
- end
- class Table < SiSU_XHTML_table::Table_xhtml
- end
- class Seg < SiSU_EPUB_seg::Seg
- end
- class Epub_output
- require 'fileutils'
- include FileUtils #::Verbose
- def initialize(md,output='')
- @md,@output=md,output
- @epub_out="#{@md.env.path.output}/epub"
- @epub_doc="#{@md.fnb}.epub"
- @epub_header=SiSU_EPUB_Format::Head_information.new(@md)
- @make=SiSU_Env::Create_file.new(@md.cmd,@md.fns,@md)
- end
- def songsheet
- mimetype
- metainf_container
- css
- images if @md.ec[:image]
- #concordance #uncomment to enable inclusion of concordance file
- output_zip
- end
- def mimetype
- out=@make.epub.mimetype
- out<<@epub_header.mimetype
- out.close
- end
- def metainf_container #container.xml file in META-INF directory
- out=@make.epub.metainf_cont
- out<<@epub_header.metainf_container
- out.close
- end
- def css
- out=@make.epub.xhtml_css
- out << SiSU_EPUB_Format::Css.new.css_epub_xhtml
- out.close
- end
- def epub_toc_ncx
- begin
- out=@make.epub.toc_ncx
- @output.each do |para|
- unless para =~/\A\s*\Z/
- out.puts para
- end
- end
- out.close
- rescue; SiSU_Errors::Info_error.new($!,$@,@md.cmd,@md.fns).error
- end
- end
- def epub_metadata_opf
- begin
- out=@make.epub.metadata
- @output.each do |para|
- unless para =~/\A\s*\Z/
- out.puts para
- end
- end
- out.close
- rescue; SiSU_Errors::Info_error.new($!,$@,@md.cmd,@md.fns).error
- end
- end
- def images
- img_pth=@md.env.path.image_source_local_tex
- @md.ec[:image].each do |x|
- if FileTest.directory?("#{@md.env.path.epub}/OPS/image") \
- and FileTest.file?("#{img_pth}/#{x}")
- cp("#{img_pth}/#{x}","#{@md.env.path.epub}/OPS/image")
- end
- end
- end
- def concordance
- SiSU_EPUB_Concordance::Source.new(@md.opt).read
- end
- def output_zip
- mkdir_p(@epub_out) unless FileTest.directory?(@epub_out)
- system("
- cd #{@md.env.path.epub}
- zip -qXr9D #{@epub_doc} *
- mv #{@epub_doc} #{@epub_out}/.
- cd #{Dir.pwd}
- ")
- unless @md.cmd.inspect =~/M/
- system("rm -r #{@md.env.path.epub}")
- end
- end
- def segtoc
- begin
- filename_html_segtoc=@make.epub.xhtml_segtoc
- filename_html_index=@make.epub.xhtml_index
- @output.each do |para|
- para.strip!
- unless para =~/\A\s*\Z/
- filename_html_segtoc.puts para,"\n"
- filename_html_index.puts para,"\n"
- end
- end
- filename_html_segtoc.close
- filename_html_index.close
- rescue; SiSU_Errors::Info_error.new($!,$@,@md.cmd,@md.fns).error
- end
- end
- end
- end